- I’m a real human.
- Yes.
- Death is possible.
- Einstein often spoke of eggs and how they relate to the human psyche.
- If a building tells you not to be racist, you should listen.
- Grain.mp4 should not be seen by human eyes.
- Women and men can be equally thicc in proportion to their bodies.
- 日本語をすこし話せます
- 現在のアメリカファンダムが嫌いです
- My laptop touch-pad turns itself on and off without warning. I think it’s trying to spite me or something.
- You may see me use a semicolon.
- I use them because I totally know how; me is smartest.
- ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ is the best kaomoji.
- Cats have spiritual powers.
- Burger King Foot Lettuce.
- My cat is actually a rare species of nesting monkey.
- I’ve been writing the same one story for about 6 years now.
- I want to make video games someday.
- I sometimes wonder if the fonts I’ve chosen are readable enough.
- My desk is just a plastic tote–I am not joking.
- My chair is a bunch of folded blankets–also not joking.
- I always have sticky notes, a pink highlighter, a flash drive, and a microfiber cloth on my tote-desk.
- My heart aches everyday knowing I will never hear the Nightmare Ned OST in non-potato 2000’s 144p compressed mp3 quality.
- I draw some of my pictures while listening to horror ambient. Try to guess which!
- You can cultivate your dreamscape.
- I have been cultivating my dreamscape for years now.
- I have had lucid dreams.
- The best horror game I ever played was within the dreamscape.
- Most of my creations started in the dreamscape.
- The closer you get to death, the closer you get to enlightenment.
- The dreamscape is the closest you can get to death without dying.
- Perhaps DMT is closer?
- Art is an inherently harmful activity as it is based on harnessing the dreamscape.
- Artists without damage cannot damage (effect).
- I drink apple cider vinegar straight and I enjoy it.
- I mostly like to drink it mixed with water over ice.
- The original 1995 Bad Badtzmaru OVA (バッドばつ丸のオレは優等生) is enjoyed by my brain.
- You need to have more than just art to succeed as an artist, you need determination.
- I have the "ah—shit—fuck!" brain disorder.
New facts added every time I get bored!
Based on the tumblr fun page of the same name.